Write down a brief note on حروف الهجاء

 حروف الهجاء (ḥurūf al-hijā') in Arabic refer to the letters of the alphabet. They are divided into two categories: حروف الأبجدية (ḥurūf al-abjadiyah) and حروف المد (ḥurūf al-madd). Here's a brief note on each:

1. حروف الأبجدية (ḥurūf al-abjadiyah): These are the basic letters of the Arabic alphabet, consisting of 28 letters. They are used to write words and form sentences. The letters are further categorized into ابتدائية (abtadiyah), توسيطية (tawsitiyah), and ختامية (khitamiyah) based on their position in a word.

2. حروف المد (ḥurūf al-madd): These are the elongation letters in Arabic, used to indicate vowel elongation. They include الألف (alif), الواو (waw), and الياء (yā'). When combined with certain short vowels, they extend the pronunciation of the vowel.

Understanding حروف الهجاء is fundamental to reading, writing, and pronouncing Arabic words correctly.

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