Explain moon letters حروف القمریہ with suitable examples

In Arabic, the “moon letters” or حروف القمریہ (Huroof Al-Qamariyyah) are a group of 14 letters that do not cause the “lām” (ل) in the definite article “al-” (الـ) to assimilate. This means that when a word starting with a moon letter is preceded by the definite article, the “lām” is pronounced clearly.

Here are the 14 moon letters with examples:

  1. أ (Alif) - Example: الأمير (Al-Amir) meaning “The Prince”
  2. ب (Ba) - Example: البيت (Al-Bayt) meaning “The House”
  3. ج (Jeem) - Example: الجمل (Al-Jamal) meaning “The Camel”
  4. ح (Ha) - Example: الحديقة (Al-Hadiqah) meaning “The Garden”
  5. خ (Kha) - Example: الخبز (Al-Khubz) meaning “The Bread”
  6. ع (Ain) - Example: العين (Al-Ayn) meaning “The Eye”
  7. غ (Ghayn) - Example: الغرفة (Al-Ghurfah) meaning “The Room”
  8. ف (Fa) - Example: الفيل (Al-Fil) meaning “The Elephant”
  9. ق (Qaf) - Example: القمر (Al-Qamar) meaning “The Moon”
  10. ك (Kaf) - Example: الكتاب (Al-Kitab) meaning “The Book”
  11. م (Meem) - Example: المدينة (Al-Madinah) meaning “The City”
  12. ه (Ha) - Example: الهواء (Al-Hawa) meaning “The Air”
  13. و (Waw) - Example: الوردة (Al-Wardah) meaning “The Flower”
  14. ي (Ya) - Example: اليد (Al-Yad) meaning “The Hand”

These examples illustrate how the pronunciation of the definite article “al-” remains unchanged when followed by any of these moon letters.

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